/* globals wpforms_conditional_logic */ ;(function($) { 'use strict'; var WPFormsConditionals = { /** * Start the engine. * * @since 1.0.0 */ init: function() { // Document ready. $( document ).ready( WPFormsConditionals.ready ); WPFormsConditionals.bindUIActions(); }, /** * Document ready. * * @since 1.1.2 */ ready: function() { $( '.wpforms-form' ).each( function() { WPFormsConditionals.processConditionals( $( this ), false ); }); }, /** * Element bindings. * * @since 1.0.0 */ bindUIActions: function() { $( document ).on( 'change', '.wpforms-conditional-trigger input, .wpforms-conditional-trigger select', function() { WPFormsConditionals.processConditionals( $( this ), true ); }); $( document ).on( 'input', '.wpforms-conditional-trigger input[type=text], .wpforms-conditional-trigger input[type=email], .wpforms-conditional-trigger input[type=url], .wpforms-conditional-trigger input[type=number], .wpforms-conditional-trigger textarea', function() { WPFormsConditionals.processConditionals( $( this ), true ); }); $( '.wpforms-form' ).submit( function() { WPFormsConditionals.resetHiddenFields( $( this ) ); }); }, /** * Reset any form elements that are inside hidden conditional fields. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param {object} el The form. */ resetHiddenFields: function( el ) { if ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash ) { console.log( 'Resetting hidden fields...' ); } var $form = $( el ); $form.find( '.wpforms-conditional-hide :input' ).each( function() { switch ( $( this ).attr( 'type' ) ) { case 'button': case 'submit': case 'reset': case 'hidden': break; case 'checkbox': case 'radio': $( this ).closest( 'ul' ).find( 'li' ).removeClass( 'wpforms-selected' ); if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ){ $( this ).prop( 'checked', false ).trigger( 'change' ); } break; case 'select': $( this ).find( 'option:selected' ).prop( 'selected', 'false' ).trigger( 'change' ); break; default: if ( $( this ).val() !== '') { $( this ).val( '' ).trigger( 'input' ); } break; } }); }, /** * Process conditionals for a form. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param {element} el Any element inside the targeted form. * @param {boolean} initial Initial run of processing. */ processConditionals: function( el, initial ) { var $this = $( el ), $form = $this.closest( '.wpforms-form' ), formID = $form.data( 'formid' ), hidden = false; if ( typeof wpforms_conditional_logic === 'undefined' || typeof wpforms_conditional_logic[formID] === 'undefined' ) { return false; } var fields = wpforms_conditional_logic[formID]; // Fields. for( var fieldID in fields ) { if ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash ) { console.log( 'Processing conditionals for Field #'+fieldID+'...' ); } var field = fields[fieldID].logic, action = fields[fieldID].action, pass = false; // Groups. for( var groupID in field ) { var group = field[groupID], pass_group = true; // Rules. for( var ruleID in group ) { var rule = group[ruleID], val = '', pass_rule = false, left = '', right = '', $check; if ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash ) { console.log( rule ); } if ( ! rule.field ) { continue; } if ( rule.operator === 'e' || rule.operator === '!e' ) { rule.value = ''; if ( rule.type === 'radio' || rule.type === 'checkbox' || rule.type === 'payment-multiple' || rule.type === 'payment-checkbox' || rule.type === 'rating' || rule.type === 'net_promoter_score' ) { $check = $form.find( '#wpforms-'+formID+'-field_'+rule.field+'-container input:checked' ); if ( $check.length ) { val = true; } } else { val = $form.find( '#wpforms-'+formID+'-field_'+rule.field ).val(); if ( ! val ) { val = ''; } } } else { if ( rule.type === 'radio' || rule.type === 'checkbox' || rule.type === 'payment-multiple' || rule.type === 'payment-checkbox' || rule.type === 'rating' || rule.type === 'net_promoter_score' ) { $check = $form.find( '#wpforms-'+formID+'-field_'+rule.field+'-container input:checked' ); if ( $check.length ) { $.each( $check, function() { var escapeVal = WPFormsConditionals.escapeText( $( this ).val() ); if ( rule.type === 'checkbox' ) { if ( rule.value === escapeVal ) { val = escapeVal; } } else { val = escapeVal; } }); } } else { // text, textarea, number, select val = $form.find( '#wpforms-'+formID+'-field_'+rule.field ).val(); if ( rule.type === 'select' || rule.type === 'payment-select' ) { val = WPFormsConditionals.escapeText( val ); } } } if ( null === val ) { val = ''; } left = $.trim( val.toString().toLowerCase() ); right = $.trim( rule.value.toString().toLowerCase() ); switch ( rule.operator ) { case '==' : pass_rule = ( left === right ); break; case '!=' : pass_rule = ( left !== right ); break; case 'c' : pass_rule = ( left.indexOf( right ) > -1 && left.length > 0 ); break; case '!c' : pass_rule = ( left.indexOf( right ) === -1 && right.length > 0 ); break; case '^' : pass_rule = ( left.lastIndexOf( right, 0 ) === 0 ); break; case '~' : pass_rule = ( left.indexOf( right, left.length - right.length ) !== -1 ); break; case 'e' : pass_rule = ( left.length === 0 ); break; case '!e' : pass_rule = ( left.length > 0 ); break; case '>' : left = left.replace( /[^0-9.]/g, '' ); pass_rule = ( '' !== left ) && ( WPFormsConditionals.floatval( left ) > WPFormsConditionals.floatval( right ) ); break; case '<' : left = left.replace( /[^0-9.]/g, '' ); pass_rule = ( '' !== left ) && ( WPFormsConditionals.floatval( left ) < WPFormsConditionals.floatval( right ) ); break; } if ( ! pass_rule ) { pass_group = false; break; } } if ( pass_group ) { pass = true; } } if ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash ) { console.log( 'Result: ' + pass ); } if ( ( pass && action === 'hide' ) || ( ! pass && action !== 'hide' ) ) { $form .find( '#wpforms-'+formID+'-field_'+fieldID+'-container' ) .hide() .addClass( 'wpforms-conditional-hide' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-conditional-show' ); hidden = true; } else { $form .find( '#wpforms-'+formID+'-field_'+fieldID+'-container' ) .show() .removeClass( 'wpforms-conditional-hide' ) .addClass( 'wpforms-conditional-show' ); } $( document ).trigger( 'wpformsProcessConditionalsField', [formID, fieldID, pass, action] ); } if ( hidden ) { WPFormsConditionals.resetHiddenFields( $form ); if ( initial ) { if ( window.location.hash && '#wpformsdebug' === window.location.hash ) { console.log( 'Final Processing' ); } WPFormsConditionals.processConditionals( $this, false ); } } $( document ).trigger( 'wpformsProcessConditionals', [$this, $form, formID] ); }, /** * Escape text similar to PHP htmlspecialchars(). * * @since 1.0.5 * * @param {string} text * * @return string|boolean */ escapeText: function( text ) { if ( ! text ){ return false; } var map = { '&': '&', '<': '<', '>': '>', '"': '"', "'": ''' }; return text.replace(/[&<>"']/g, function(m) { return map[m]; }); }, /** * Parse float. Returns 0 instead of NaN. Similar to PHP floatval(). * * @since */ floatval: function ( mixedVar ) { return ( parseFloat( mixedVar ) || 0 ); } }; WPFormsConditionals.init(); window.wpformsconditionals = WPFormsConditionals; })(jQuery);